We, at Adiva Accountants in Bickley, summarise the preparation of year end accounts and how we can help if you are starting, or have started a business in Bickley, Bromley, Kent and London areas.
We will provide here an overview of the information to provide to us to enable completion of your end accounts. The more you do, the less the time we have to spend on the routine compliance aspects of your business. So, the lower will be your accountancy fees and more time we will be able to assist you with developing your business. However, every client is different and we should discuss your particular requirements. Then we can decide what you can prepare for us and what we will have to prepare ourselves. We will be able to tailor our service to your specific requirements.
We will agree a time schedule for when you will provide the records and for when we will have your accounts ready for discussion.
There are a few ways in which you may find you can help us:
- Adding up and balancing your books such as cross casting of column totals
- analysing your payments and receipts in spreadsheets provided
- filing your invoices in sensible system so that relevant invoices can be easily found
If it is possible you can also assist further by:
- Reconcile the bank. This is done by reconciling the balance on your bank statement to that derived from your records after adjusting for unpresented receipts and payments
- Reconcile the debtors and creditors. This is done using control accounts for nominal accounts such as debtors and creditors that reconcile to your year end list of debtors and creditors
The regular use of reconciliations and control accounts during the year, help to ensure that there are no errors in the records.
We have the expertise to help you at all stages of the preparation of your year end accounts. If you are starting, or have started a business in Bickley, Bromley, Kent and London areas we, at Adiva Accountants in Bickley, would be happy to assist you. So please do not hesitate to contact us at Adiva Accountants in Bickley for further advice.